Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (2024)


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No tests available in the enrolled courses

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Class 7 Exam>Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (15)


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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets Study Material

01Where, When and How5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (16)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (17)

Chapter Notes: Where, When and How

Doc | 1 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (18)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (19)

Short & Long Questions: Where, When and How

Doc | 2 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (20)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (21)

Worksheet: Where, When and How

Doc | 1 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (22)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (23)

Worksheet Solutions: Where, When and How

Doc | 2 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (24)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (25)

Textbook Solutions: Where, When and How

Doc | 4 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (26)
02New Kings and Kingdoms5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (27)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (28)

Worksheet: New Kings and Kingdoms

Doc | 1 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (29)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (30)

Textbook Solutions: New Kings and Kingdoms

Doc | 8 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (31)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (32)

Chapter Notes: New Kings and Kingdoms

Doc | 3 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (33)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (34)

Short & Long Questions: New Kings and Kingdoms

Doc | 3 pages

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (36)

Worksheet Solutions: New Kings and Kingdoms

Doc | 2 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (37)
03The Delhi Sultanate5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (38)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (39)

Worksheet: The Delhi Sultanate

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (40)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (41)

Worksheet Solutions: The Delhi Sultanate

Doc | 1 pages

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (43)

Chapter Notes: The Delhi Sultanate

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (44)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (45)

Textbook Solutions: The Delhi Sultanate

Doc | 4 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (46)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (47)

Short & Long Questions: The Delhi Sultanate

Doc | 3 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (48)
04The Mughal Empire5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (49)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (50)

Chapter Notes: The Mughal Empire

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (52)

Textbook Solutions: The Mughal Empire

Doc | 5 pages

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (54)

Short & Long Questions: The Mughal Empire

Doc | 3 pages

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (56)

Worksheet: The Mughal Empire

Doc | 1 pages

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (58)

Worksheet Solutions: The Mughal Empire

Doc | 2 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (59)
05Architecture in Medieval India5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (60)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (61)

Short & Long Questions: Architecture in Medieval India

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (62)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (63)

Textbook Solutions: Architecture in Medieval India

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (64)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (65)

Worksheet: Architecture in Medieval India

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (67)

Chapter Notes: Architecture in Medieval India

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (69)

Worksheet Solutions: Architecture in Medieval India

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (70)
06Towns, Traders and Craftspeople5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (71)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (72)

Worksheet: Towns, Traders and Craftspeople

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (74)

Textbook Solutions: Towns, Traders and Craftspeople

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (76)

Chapter Notes: Towns, Traders and Craftspeople

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (78)

Short & Long Questions: Towns, Traders and Craftspeople

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (79)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (80)

Worksheet Solutions: Towns, Traders and Craftspeople

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (81)
07Tribal and Nomadic Communities5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (82)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (83)

Chapter Notes: Tribal and Nomadic Communities

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (85)

Textbook Solutions: Tribal and Nomadic Communities

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (87)

Short & Long Questions: Tribal and Nomadic Communities

Doc | 3 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (88)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (89)

Worksheet: Tribal and Nomadic Communities

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (90)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (91)

Worksheet Solutions: Tribal and Nomadic Communities

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (92)
08Religious Beliefs and Popular Movements5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (93)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (94)

Short & Long Questions: Religious Beliefs and Popular Movements

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (95)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (96)

Textbook Solutions: Religious Beliefs and Popular Movements

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (97)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (98)

Chapter Notes: Religious Beliefs and Popular Movements

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (99)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (100)

Worksheet: Religious Beliefs and Popular Movements

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (101)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (102)

Worksheet Solutions: Religious Beliefs and Popular Movements

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (103)
09Emerging Regional Cultures5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (104)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (105)

Chapter Notes: Emerging Regional Cultures

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (106)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (107)

Textbook Solutions: Emerging Regional Cultures

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (108)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (109)

Short & Long Questions: Emerging Regional Cultures

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (110)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (111)

Worksheet: Emerging Regional Cultures

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (112)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (113)

Worksheet Solutions: Emerging Regional Cultures

Doc | 2 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (114)
10New Political Formationa in the 18th century5DocsFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (115)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (116)

Worksheet: New Political Formationa in the 18th century

Doc | 1 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (117)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (118)

Textbook Solutions: New Political Formationa in the 18th century

Doc | 3 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (119)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (120)

Chapter Notes: New Political Formationa in the 18th century

Doc | 3 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (121)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (122)

Short & Long Questions: New Political Formationa in the 18th century

Doc | 2 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (123)
Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (124)

Worksheet Solutions: New Political Formationa in the 18th century

Doc | 2 pages

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (125)
11Our EnvironmentComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (126)
12Understanding the EarthComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (127)
13Earth`s Movements and Changing LandformsComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (128)
14The AtmosphereComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (129)
15The HydrosphereComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (130)
16Natural Vegetation and WildlifeComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (131)
17Human Settlements and Transport and CommunicationComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (132)
18Life in the Desert RegionsComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (133)
19Life in the Tropical and Sub-tropical RegionsComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (134)
20Understanding DemocracyComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (135)
21Democracy in ActionComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (136)
22How Do State Governments Work?Coming soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (137)
23Role of the State Government in Distribution of ResourcesComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (138)
24Understanding MediaComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (139)
25Role of Gender Coming soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (140)
26Martkets around usComing soonFootprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (141)

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets CBSE Exam Pattern 2024-2025

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets Exam Pattern for Class 7

The book "Footprints" is a comprehensive educational resource for Class 7 students. It covers a wide range of subjects and provides a holistic approach to learning. In addition to the textbook, there are various supplementary materials available such as solutions, notes, and worksheets. These resources are designed to help students understand and practice the concepts taught in the book.

Exam Pattern for Class 7

The exam pattern for Class 7 may vary from school to school, but generally, it includes both formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments are conducted throughout the academic year to evaluate the student's understanding and progress. They can take the form of quizzes, class discussions, projects, and assignments.

Summative assessments, on the other hand, are conducted at the end of each term or semester. These assessments are more formal and usually cover a wider range of topics. They can include written exams, practical exams, and presentations. The results of these assessments contribute to the student's overall grade in the subject.

Book Solutions

The book solutions for "Footprints Class 7" are a valuable resource for students. They provide step-by-step explanations and answers to all the questions and exercises in the textbook. These solutions help students understand the concepts better and also serve as a guide for self-study. It is important for students to refer to the book solutions while preparing for exams to ensure they have a clear understanding of the topics.


The notes for "Footprints Class 7" are concise and comprehensive summaries of each chapter in the textbook. They provide an overview of the key concepts, definitions, and important points covered in the chapter. These notes serve as a quick reference guide for students when revising for exams or preparing for class discussions. It is recommended for students to make their own notes while studying to reinforce their understanding of the content.


Worksheets are an excellent way for students to practice and reinforce their learning. The worksheets for "Footprints Class 7" provide additional exercises and problems related to the topics covered in the textbook. They help students apply the concepts learned in a practical manner and improve their problem-solving skills. It is advisable for students to regularly solve these worksheets to assess their understanding of the subject and identify areas that require further attention.

In conclusion, "Footprints Class 7" offers a comprehensive package of resources including book solutions, notes, and worksheets. These resources are designed to enhance the learning experience of Class 7 students and help them excel in their exams. By utilizing these resources effectively, students can develop a strong foundation in the subjects and achieve academic success.

Attention Class 7 Students!

To make sure you are not studying endlessly, EduRev has designed Class 7 study material, with Structured Courses, Videos, & Test Series. Plus get personalized analysis, doubt solving and improvement plans to achieve a great score in Class 7.

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets Syllabus 2024-2025 PDF Download

Class 7 Syllabus: Footprints Class 7 - Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets

1. Where, When and How
- Understanding the concepts of time, place, and historical sources
- Studying the development of human civilization and early human settlements
- Exploring the tools and techniques used by early humans

2. New Kings and Kingdoms
- Understanding the rise of new dynasties and kingdoms in India
- Studying the political and cultural developments during this period
- Analyzing the contributions of rulers like Rajendra Chola and Mahmud of Ghazni

3. The Delhi Sultanate
- Exploring the establishment and expansion of the Delhi Sultanate
- Studying the administrative, social, and cultural aspects of the Sultanate
- Analyzing the impact of the Sultanate on Indian society

4. The Mughal Empire
- Understanding the rise and consolidation of the Mughal Empire
- Studying the administrative, economic, and cultural developments under the Mughals
- Analyzing the contributions of rulers like Akbar and Shah Jahan

5. Architecture in Medieval India
- Exploring the architectural styles and structures during the medieval period
- Studying the influence of different dynasties on Indian architecture
- Analyzing the significance of monuments like Qutub Minar and Taj Mahal

6. Towns, Traders, and Craftspeople
- Understanding the growth and importance of towns and trade networks
- Studying the role of traders and craftspeople in the medieval economy
- Analyzing the impact of urbanization on society

7. Tribal and Nomadic Communities
- Exploring the lifestyles and social organization of tribal and nomadic communities
- Studying their economic activities and cultural practices
- Analyzing the challenges faced by these communities in a changing society

8. Religious Beliefs and Popular Movements
- Understanding the religious diversity in medieval India
- Studying the beliefs and practices of different religious communities
- Analyzing the emergence of popular movements like Bhakti and Sufism

9. Emerging Regional Cultures
- Exploring the regional variations in art, literature, and music
- Studying the contributions of regional rulers and intellectuals
- Analyzing the development of regional languages and literature

10. New Political Formations in the 18th Century
- Understanding the decline of the Mughal Empire and the emergence of new political entities
- Studying the impact of European powers on the Indian subcontinent
- Analyzing the significance of events like the Battle of Plassey and the Treaty of Allahabad

11. Our Environment
- Understanding the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability
- Studying the components of the environment and their interrelationships
- Analyzing the impact of human activities on the environment

12. Understanding the Earth
- Exploring the structure and composition of the Earth
- Studying the processes that shape the Earth's surface
- Analyzing the distribution of natural resources

13. Earth's Movements and Changing Landforms
- Understanding the movements of the Earth and their effects
- Studying the formation of landforms like mountains, plateaus, and plains
- Analyzing the impact of weathering and erosion on landforms

14. The Atmosphere
- Exploring the composition and layers of the Earth's atmosphere
- Studying the role of the atmosphere in weather and climate
- Analyzing the impact of human activities on the atmosphere

15. The Hydrosphere
- Understanding the distribution and importance of water resources
- Studying the water cycle and its role in shaping the Earth's surface
- Analyzing the impact of pollution on water bodies

16. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
- Exploring the different types of vegetation and wildlife in India
- Studying the factors influencing the distribution of vegetation and wildlife
- Analyzing the importance of conservation and protection of natural resources

17. Human Settlements and Transport and Communication
- Understanding the types and patterns of human settlements
- Studying the factors influencing the location and growth of settlements
- Analyzing the role of transport and communication in connecting people and places

18. Life in the Desert Regions
- Exploring the challenges and adaptations of life in desert regions
- Studying the economic activities and cultural practices of desert communities
- Analyzing the impact of globalization on desert regions

19. Life in the Tropical and Sub-tropical Regions
- Understanding the characteristics and biodiversity of tropical and sub-tropical regions
- Studying the economic activities and cultural diversity in these regions
- Analyzing the impact of climate change on tropical and sub-tropical regions

20. Understanding Democracy
- Exploring the concept and principles of democracy
- Studying the features of democratic governance
- Analyzing the importance of citizen participation in a democratic society

21. Democracy in Action
- Understanding the working of democratic institutions and processes
- Studying the role of political parties, elections, and the judiciary in a democracy
- Analyzing the challenges and prospects of democracy in India

22. How Do State Governments Work?
- Exploring the structure and functions of state governments
- Studying the relationship between the state and central governments
- Analyzing the role of state governments in policy-making and governance

23. Role of the State Government in Distribution of Resources
- Understanding the role of state governments in resource allocation and management
- Studying the challenges and conflicts related to resource distribution
- Analyzing the impact of resource management on sustainable development

24. Understanding Media
- Exploring the role and impact of media in society
- Studying the different forms of media and their functions
- Analyzing the ethical and social responsibilities of media

25. Role of Gender
- Understanding the concept of gender and its social construction
- Studying the role of gender in society, politics, and the economy
- Analyzing the challenges and achievements of gender equality

26. Markets around Us
- Exploring the concept and functions of markets
- Studying the role of producers, consumers, and intermediaries in markets
- Analyzing the impact of globalization on local markets

This comprehensive syllabus for Class 7 covers various subjects like history, geography, civics, and environmental studies. It provides a structured framework for students to gain knowledge and understanding of important concepts and topics. By using HTML bullet points and bold tags for headers and key points, the content becomes visually appealing and easy to navigate.

This course is helpful for the following exams: Class 7

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How to Prepare Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets?

How to Prepare Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets for Class 7?

Preparing for the Footprints Class 7 course is essential to excel in your studies and achieve good grades. This comprehensive course, offered by EduRev, covers all the important topics and concepts that are part of the Class 7 curriculum. To make your preparation effective and efficient, it is important to utilize the available resources such as book solutions, notes, and worksheets.

Book Solutions:
The Footprints Class 7 book solutions provided by EduRev are a valuable resource for students. These solutions are designed to help you understand the concepts and solve the questions given in the textbook. They provide step-by-step explanations and solutions to the problems, making it easier for you to grasp the concepts and improve your problem-solving skills. It is recommended to go through the book solutions after studying each chapter to ensure a thorough understanding of the topics.

Taking notes while studying is an effective way to retain information and revise it later. EduRev provides comprehensive notes for the Footprints Class 7 course, covering all the important topics in a concise and organized manner. These notes act as a quick reference guide and can be used for last-minute revisions before exams. It is advisable to make your own notes while studying, summarizing the key points and important formulas. These personalized notes will help you revise the topics more efficiently.

Practicing with worksheets is crucial for reinforcing your understanding of the concepts learned in class. EduRev offers a wide range of worksheets for the Footprints Class 7 course, covering various topics and difficulty levels. These worksheets are designed to test your knowledge and problem-solving skills. Solving these worksheets regularly will not only help you gauge your progress but also improve your speed and accuracy in solving problems. It is recommended to solve the worksheets after studying each chapter to reinforce the concepts learned.

In conclusion, to prepare for the Footprints Class 7 course, it is important to utilize the available resources such as book solutions, notes, and worksheets. These resources provided by EduRev are designed to help you understand the concepts, revise the topics, and improve your problem-solving skills. By making use of these resources effectively, you can enhance your preparation and achieve academic success.

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Importance of Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets

Importance of Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets Course for Class 7

The Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets Course offered by EduRev is an essential resource for students in Class 7. With its comprehensive coverage of the Class 7 curriculum, this course is designed to help students excel in their studies and achieve academic success.

1. Comprehensive Solutions:
The course provides detailed solutions to the exercises and questions present in the Footprints Class 7 textbook. These solutions serve as a valuable reference for students, helping them understand the concepts and principles covered in each chapter. The step-by-step explanations provided in the solutions enable students to grasp the underlying concepts and enhance their problem-solving skills.

2. Well-Organized Notes:
The course includes well-organized notes that cover all the important topics and subtopics of the Class 7 curriculum. These notes serve as a handy study material for students, allowing them to revise and reinforce their understanding of the concepts. The concise and clear format of the notes makes it easier for students to comprehend and retain the information.

3. Extensive Worksheets:
The course offers a wide range of worksheets that provide ample practice opportunities for students. These worksheets are designed to test the students' understanding of the concepts and help them apply their knowledge in solving various types of problems. By practicing with these worksheets, students can improve their problem-solving skills, enhance their critical thinking abilities, and gain confidence in their academic abilities.

4. Self-Assessment and Revision:
The Footprints Class 7 course also includes self-assessment tools and revision materials to help students evaluate their progress and identify areas where they need improvement. The course enables students to track their performance, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and focus on areas that require more attention. By regularly revising with the help of this course, students can reinforce their learning and perform better in their examinations.

In conclusion, the Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets Course offered by EduRev is an invaluable resource for Class 7 students. With its comprehensive solutions, well-organized notes, extensive worksheets, and self-assessment tools, this course equips students with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their studies and achieve academic success.

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets FAQs

1. What is the book "Footprints Class 7" about? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (147)

Ans. "Footprints Class 7" is a book that provides solutions, notes, and worksheets for Class 7 students. It covers various subjects and topics that are part of the Class 7 curriculum.

2. Where can I find the solutions, notes, and worksheets for "Footprints Class 7"? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (148)

Ans. You can find the solutions, notes, and worksheets for "Footprints Class 7" on the EduRev website ( They provide comprehensive study material for Class 7 students.

3. Are the solutions provided in "Footprints Class 7" accurate and reliable? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (149)

Ans. Yes, the solutions provided in "Footprints Class 7" are accurate and reliable. They are prepared by subject matter experts and experienced teachers, ensuring the correctness of the answers.

4. Can I use the solutions and notes from "Footprints Class 7" as a reference for my exams? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (150)

Ans. Yes, you can use the solutions and notes from "Footprints Class 7" as a reference for your exams. They are designed to help students understand the concepts better and improve their performance in exams.

5. How can "Footprints Class 7" help me in my studies? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (151)

Ans. "Footprints Class 7" can help you in your studies by providing comprehensive solutions, notes, and worksheets. It covers all the important topics and concepts that you need to learn in Class 7.

6. Are the solutions and notes in "Footprints Class 7" easy to understand? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (152)

Ans. Yes, the solutions and notes in "Footprints Class 7" are designed to be easy to understand. They are written in a simple language and include step-by-step explanations to ensure clarity.

7. Can I access the solutions, notes, and worksheets from "Footprints Class 7" offline? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (153)

Ans. Yes, you can access the solutions, notes, and worksheets from "Footprints Class 7" offline. You can download them from the EduRev website and study them even without an internet connection.

8. Are the solutions and notes in "Footprints Class 7" applicable to all educational boards? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (154)

Ans. Yes, the solutions and notes in "Footprints Class 7" are applicable to all educational boards. They are designed to cover the common topics and concepts that are part of the Class 7 curriculum across different boards.

9. Can I use the worksheets from "Footprints Class 7" for practice and self-assessment? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (155)

Ans. Yes, you can use the worksheets from "Footprints Class 7" for practice and self-assessment. They are designed to test your understanding of the concepts and provide an opportunity for self-evaluation.

10. Are there any additional resources provided along with "Footprints Class 7"? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (156)

Ans. Yes, "Footprints Class 7" provides additional resources like sample papers, previous year question papers, and additional exercises to further enhance your preparation for exams.

11. Is there a cost associated with accessing the solutions, notes, and worksheets from "Footprints Class 7"? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (157)

Ans. Yes, there is a cost associated with accessing the solutions, notes, and worksheets from "Footprints Class 7". You can find the pricing details on the EduRev website.

12. Can I get personalized guidance and doubt-solving support from "Footprints Class 7"? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (158)

Ans. Yes, "Footprints Class 7" provides personalized guidance and doubt-solving support. You can ask your doubts and queries on the EduRev platform, and their experts will help you with the solutions.

13. Can I access "Footprints Class 7" on my mobile phone or tablet? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (159)

Ans. Yes, you can access "Footprints Class 7" on your mobile phone or tablet. The EduRev website is mobile-friendly, allowing you to study and access the solutions, notes, and worksheets on the go.

14. Can I share the solutions, notes, and worksheets from "Footprints Class 7" with my friends? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (160)

Ans. Yes, you can share the solutions, notes, and worksheets from "Footprints Class 7" with your friends. However, it is recommended to encourage them to access the resources from EduRev to support their learning.

15. Is there a demo or trial version available for "Footprints Class 7"? Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (161)

Ans. Yes, there is a demo or trial version available for "Footprints Class 7". You can visit the EduRev website to explore the demo version and understand the features and benefits of the course before making a purchase.

Attention Class 7 Students!

To make sure you are not studying endlessly, EduRev has designed Class 7 study material, with Structured Courses, Videos, & Test Series. Plus get personalized analysis, doubt solving and improvement plans to achieve a great score in Class 7.

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Best Coaching for Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets

If you are looking for the best coaching for Footprints Class 7, EduRev is the perfect online platform for you. It provides free online coaching and a wide range of study materials for Class 7 Footprints. You can easily download PDF solutions, notes, and worksheets for all the important chapters of the Footprints Class 7 book. EduRev offers comprehensive resources, including Class 7 Footprints book solutions, notes, and worksheets, to help you ace your exams. Their study materials are designed according to the Footprints Class 7 curriculum and syllabus, ensuring that you have access to all the necessary resources for your exam preparation. With EduRev, you can practice exercises and access learning materials for Class 7 Footprints, allowing you to strengthen your understanding of the subject. In addition, EduRev also provides Class 7 English book solutions, notes, and worksheets for CBSE and NCERT syllabus. You can find CBSE Class 7 English solutions and NCERT Class 7 English book solutions, along with corresponding notes and worksheets, all in one place. EduRev is the go-to platform for all your educational needs, offering a user-friendly interface and a wealth of resources to support your learning journey. So, if you are looking for the best coaching and online study materials for Footprints Class 7 or Class 7 English, look no further than EduRev.

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Tags related with Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets

Footprints Class 7 solutions, Footprints Class 7 book solutions, Footprints Class 7 notes, Footprints Class 7 worksheets, Class 7 Footprints book solutions, Class 7 Footprints notes, Class 7 Footprints worksheets, Footprints Class 7 study materials, Footprints Class 7 curriculum, Footprints Class 7 syllabus, Class 7 Footprints online resources, Footprints Class 7 exam preparation, Footprints Class 7 practice exercises, Footprints Class 7 learning materials, Class 7 English book solutions, Class 7 English notes, Class 7 English worksheets, CBSE Class 7 English solutions, CBSE Class 7 English book solutions, CBSE Class 7 English notes, CBSE Class 7 English worksheets, NCERT Class 7 English solutions, NCERT Class 7 English book solutions, NCERT Class 7 English notes, NCERT Class 7 English worksheets.

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To make sure you are not studying endlessly, EduRev has designed Class 7 study material, with Structured Courses, Videos, & Test Series. Plus get personalized analysis, doubt solving and improvement plans to achieve a great score in Class 7.

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Best Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets NCERT Solutions and Study Materials

Looking for the best Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets NCERT study materials and Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets NCERT Book solutions? EduRev has got you covered! Our platform offers comprehensive Class 7 NCERT Solutions and NCERT Study Materials that are tailored to fit the needs of Class 7 students. Our Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets NCERT Book Solutions are designed to help students understand the concepts and improve their grasp on the subject. We provide step-by-step solutions to all the questions in the Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets NCERT Tests, making it easy for students to follow along and grasp the concepts. EduRev’s chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 7 are comprehensive and designed by a team of experienced teachers to cater to the learning needs of students. And the best part is - we offer our Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets NCERT Solutions and Study Materials for free to students. So, if you're looking for the best NCERT Book Solutions and Study Materials for Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets, look no further than EduRev. Our platform offers everything you need to excel in your studies and achieve your academic goals.

Course Description

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos for Class 7 2024-2025 is part of Class 7 preparation. The notes and questions for Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos have been prepared according to the Class 7 exam syllabus. Information about Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos covers all important topics for Class 7 2024-2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes,examples, exercises test series, mock tests and Previous year questions (PYQs) below for Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos.

Preparation for Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos in English is available as part of our Class 7 preparation & Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos in Hindi for Class 7 courses. Download more important topics related with Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos, notes, lectures and mock test series for Class 7 Exam by signing up for free.

Course Speciality

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets

Full Syllabus, Lectures & Tests to study Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos - Class 7 | Best Strategy to prepare for Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos | Free Course for Class 7 Exam

Attention Class 7 Students!

To make sure you are not studying endlessly, EduRev has designed Class 7 study material, with Structured Courses, Videos, & Test Series. Plus get personalized analysis, doubt solving and improvement plans to achieve a great score in Class 7.

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (162) 50 Docs
Gunjan Lakhani

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (164)

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (165)


Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (166)

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Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets

Full Syllabus, Lectures & Tests to study Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos - Class 7 | Best Strategy to prepare for Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes & Worksheets | NCERT Solutions, Tests, Revision Notes, CBSE, Videos | Free Course for Class 7 Exam

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You have not completed the course. Please complete it to download the completion certificate.

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Course Analysis

Tests and Content Analysis

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (177)

Content Viewed --

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (178)

Tests Attempted --.--

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (179)

Total Attempted Questions --.--

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (180)

Total Time on Tests --.--

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (181)

Correct : Incorrect Questions --.--

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (182)

Average Time Per Question --.--

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (183)

Average Rank --.--

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (184)

Average Percentile --.--

Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (185)

Average Accuracy --.--

Tests Score analysis

Tests Accuracy analysis

Tests Questions analysis

"); $(".crs_htmlTestsAttempted").show(); if (lowperf.length > 0) { $(".crs_htmlTestsAttempted_lowperf").html("

Low Performance Tests (" + lowperf.length + ")

Tests that need to be analyzed in detail to improve performance later.

"); $(".crs_htmlTestsAttempted_lowperf").append("

" + MyAttemptedTestResults(lowperf) + "

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Tests Attempted (" + data.length + ")

"); $("#htmlTestsAttempted").append("

" + MyAttemptedTestResults(data) + "

"); $(".htmlTestsAttempted").show(); if (lowperf.length > 0) { $("#htmlTestsAttempted_lowperf").html("

Low Performance Tests (" + lowperf.length + ")

Tests that need to be analyzed in detail to improve performance later.

"); $("#htmlTestsAttempted_lowperf").append("

" + MyAttemptedTestResults(lowperf) + "

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Test TitleRankScoreAccuracy(%)Privacy
" + LimitString(data[i].quiz_desc, 70) + ""; } catch (e) { tablehtml += "" + LimitString(data[i].quiz_desc, 70); } tablehtml += "" + parseFloat(data[i].rank) + "/" + data[i]["MaxRank"] + "" + parseFloat(data[i].score) + "/" + parseFloat(data[i].Max_totalMarks) + "" + parseFloat(parseFloat((data[i].score / data[i].Max_totalMarks)) * 100).toFixed(2) + "" + data[i].percentile + "" + parseFloat(data[i].Accuracy) + "" + prettyDate_Weeks(data[i].AttemptedDateTime) + "" + data[i].AttemptedDateTime + "

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"; wktpcshtml += "

Improve your Weak Topics

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

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"; wktpcshtml += "Practice again"; wktpcshtml += ""; wktpcshtml += "Learn again "; wktpcshtml += "
"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; // mb wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += LimitString(data[item]["topicName"], 50); wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "Incorrect Attempts - " + data[item]["inCorrect"] + "/" + parseInt(parseInt(data[item]["inCorrect"]) + parseInt(data[item]["correct"]) + parseInt(data[item]["unAttempted"])); wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

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"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

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"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "Learn from " + countTxt; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; } wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

"; /////////////// ////wktpcshtml += "

"; ////wktpcshtml += "

"; ////wktpcshtml += data[item]["topicName"] + " (Incorrect Attempts: " + data[item]["inCorrect"] + "/" + parseInt(parseInt(data[item]["inCorrect"]) + parseInt(data[item]["correct"]) + parseInt(data[item]["unAttempted"])) + ")" ////wktpcshtml += "

"; ////wktpcshtml += "

"; ////wktpcshtml += "

"; ////wktpcshtml += "

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"; ////wktpcshtml += "

"; ////wktpcshtml += "

"; ////wktpcshtml += "

"; } if (data.length > 10) { wktpcshtml += "

Show More

"; } wktpcshtml += "

"; wktpcshtml += "

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  • Footprints Class 7: Book Solutions, Notes and Worksheets - Books, Notes, Tests 2024-2025 Syllabus (2024)
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    Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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    Author information

    Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-03-23

    Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

    Phone: +13408645881558

    Job: Global Representative

    Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

    Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.