How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (2024)

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A relaxed homeschool routine provides you with the structure you need for homeschooling that flows and flourishes.

Instead of feeling like you're spinning in circles with overwhelm and frustration, discover how cultivating and enjoying this type of relaxed routine in your homeschool can help you feel as cool as a cucumber 😉

How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (1)

What Does a Relaxed Homeschool Routine Even Mean?

If you're new to the homeschooling world (or interested in learning how to help your homeschool day flow), you may wonder what it means to have a relaxed homeschool routine.

Just like there are a variety of ways to describe relaxed homeschooling, there are just as many ways to cultivate and enjoy a relaxed homeschool routine.

To me, a relaxed routine for your homeschool means:

  • routine (not schedule)
  • structure (not rigidity)
  • rhythm and flow
  • thinking outside the box
  • growth mindset
  • flexibility(willing to pivot - not being tied down to checklists or feeling like a robot)
  • exercising intuitive skills
  • collaboration among adults and students
  • positive communication skills
  • openness to feedback

These descriptions fit our homeschooling approach. Not all relaxed homeschool routines will reflect these concepts.

And that's the beauty of being relaxed with your homeschool routine - you can cultivate it to what is relaxed for your family!

I think it's important to also address what a relaxed homeschool routine is not 😉

Being relaxed does not mean that learning may or may not happen that day.

It doesn't mean that your kids get to do whatever they want, when they want - or have the option to do their work.

A relaxed homeschool routine does not equal to being lazy or apathetic.

On the contrary! You'll more than likely discover that your kids (and yourself) are more energized and eager to work!

If you're concerned that a relaxed homeschool routine sounds like fluff, let me assure you that it is most definitely not. It just might be different than a more traditional educational approach (like public school).

How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (2)

Homeschool Routine vs. Schedule

A homeschool schedule is based on specific dates and times. Using a homeschool schedule can be quite effective for people who lean towards more Type A tendencies. A schedule can definitely help you set clear expectations and plans.

(I feel that I must add that a schedule can be great for Type B types, too. Personally, as a Type B, I feel too much pressure with a schedule.)

Schedules can work well if you or your kids need to know what's happening when. This approach is also helpful if you're a WAHM (work-at-home-mom) or work outside of the home. If you only have certain times that you can homeschool, you may need to set a schedule.

A homeschool routine has structure and rhythm. Instead of using specific times, you have an overall idea of how your day will flow.

Homeschool routines also have expectations and priorities. Routines allow for greater flexibility with when you may start your homeschool day, how long a subject takes, and what times of day you actually homeschool. Plans are loose and easily adaptable.

For example, with our relaxed homeschool routine, my boys and I know how our day will flow. A relaxed homeschool day for uswill often look like:

  • Waking up
  • Eating breakfast
  • Cleaning up kitchen
  • Essentials (hygiene - brushing teeth, washing face, getting dressed)
  • Morning chores
  • Homeschool morning gathering (that's what we call morning time)
  • Pledge -> Prayer -> Calendar Time
  • Religion (Saint of the Day or catechism)
  • Latin/Greek Root Words
  • Loop: art appreciation, music appreciation, growth mindset, fire/water/bike safety, geography, health & nutrition
  • Math
  • Brain break
  • Writing
  • History (project or read-aloud)
  • Lunch
  • Science (read-aloud and/or experiment)
  • Quiet Time
  • Physical Education and/or outdoor play
  • Chores
  • Dinner prep + clean-up
  • Prep for next day

Let me emphasize that this is how it "might" look 😉

If one of my older boys has a later soccer practice or game the night before, we usually have a later start time and eliminate a few things. The same practice applies if we have appointments or errands.

We've developed a lovely flow over the years and find that we always complete required tasks and curriculum.

Oh, and if history or science (or any other subject) only lasts 10 minutes, so be it. We move on. I don't cram in busy work or extras.

And if we happen upon an interesting tidbit during our homeschool morning gathering and want to skip to science in the morning, we go for it.

Such is the freedom of a relaxed homeschool routine!

How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (3)

How to Get Started with a Relaxed Homeschool Routine

If a relaxed homeschool routine sounds glorious to you, I have a few tips and ideas to share.

1. Establishing priorities

Before you embark on your relaxed homeschool routine, determine what's important to you and your family.

What are your expectations and requirements? (For that matter, what are your state's homeschool requirements?) Also, how will your homeschool reflect your family's beliefs?

At this point, it's also beneficial to figure out your why.

Why do you want a relaxed homeschool routine?

What do you hope to gain from it?

How will this type of approach boost your learn at home adventures?

2. Goal setting

When you have your priorities established, it's time to set some goals for your homeschool.

For example, would you like to have a collaborative family project completed each month?

Or maybe your middle child will memorize multiplication facts by the end of the year?

Your goals can be for your overall homeschool, specific students, and yourself (like to be more patient).

How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (4)

3. Take Inventory

This simple step might seem basic but can be helpful.

List out (on paper or in a Google document:

  • Your students
  • Subjects to be taught
  • Curriculum and resources to be used
  • Activities to be included in your homeschool week

4. Map Out Your Homeschool Day

Gently close your eyes and envision how you'd like your homeschool day to flow.

Now, jot that down.

Is that vision realistic? What can you pull from it to include in your relaxed homeschool routine?

I'll be honest. It took us at least a few months to find a routine that worked for us. You may find that the process is shorter or longer. There's no right or wrong but a bit of patience can definitely help 😉

I use our new free Relaxed Homeschool Routine Planner to map all this out. You can find out more by scrolling down. Oh, and it's editable so you can customize for your homeschool!

Want to map out your week? Check out these tips, ideas, and resources to organize and de-stress your homeschool week.

5. Put Your Relaxed Homeschool Routine Into Action

Once you have your routine mapped out, give it a go.

Before you start, however, sit your kids down and explain in an age-appropriate manner why you want to give this relaxed routine approach a try. You can share the benefits of a relaxed homeschool style or a few of your own reasons.

You'll never know how it's going to work until you try.

More than likely, you may have to tweak, pivot, and revisit your why.

And that's totally okay. It's part of the process of learning and growing as a homeschooler.

Trust me, you'll find the relaxed homeschool routine that will work for you and your kids.

When you do, pause to give yourself a hug for your effort and to give thanks for arriving at this positive point in your homeschooling.

How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (5)

Get Your Free Relaxed Homeschool Routine Planner

If you could use a bit of help cultivating a relaxed homeschool routine, this free printable set can help.

You'll find 2 PDF (printable) pages that breakdown the process of planning out your relaxed routine.

You can print out and use the pages as-is. OR you can type directly into your PDF to customize then print.

Please print out as many copies of this relaxed homeschool planner set as you need. If you have a friend who could benefit from using this resource, please share the link to this post (not the file). I truly appreciate your sharing 🙂

To get this free printable set, simply subscribe to Rock Your Homeschool. In addition to this resource, you'll receive a password to unlock our Subscriber's Library jam-packed with ways to make life + learning fun.

If you're already a Rock Your Homeschool subscriber-thank you!-and click HERE to use the password and access the library.

Click HERE or on the image below to get your free Relaxed Homeschool Routine Planner set.

Psst! I'm soon going to be releasing the Relaxed Homeschool Life Planner. This fantastic resource will be an online planning system for enhanced organization, access, and flexibility. Shoot me an email if you'd like to take a sneak peek 😉

How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (7)
How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine (2024)


How to Cultivate & Enjoy a Relaxed Homeschool Routine? ›

Defining the Relaxed Homeschooling Method

In a relaxed homeschool, the parent is still the educator, but there is a different tone in the relaxed homeschool that you might not find elsewhere in large doses. A relaxed homeschool method places a premium on flexibility of schedule and creating independent learners.

What is the relaxed homeschool method? ›

Defining the Relaxed Homeschooling Method

In a relaxed homeschool, the parent is still the educator, but there is a different tone in the relaxed homeschool that you might not find elsewhere in large doses. A relaxed homeschool method places a premium on flexibility of schedule and creating independent learners.

What is a loop schedule homeschool? ›

Loop scheduling doesn't assign a particular subject to a particular day. Instead, you have a list (loop) of work that you do during a certain time period. When it is time to work, you simply move to the next subject on the list and start there.

What are the three R's in homeschooling? ›

The three Rs are three basic skills taught in schools: reading, writing and arithmetic (the "R's" refer to, "Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic"). The phrase appears to have been coined at the beginning of the 19th century. The term has also been used to name other triples (see Other uses).

What is the hardest state to homeschool in? ›

Fast facts on homeschooling

Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont have the most restrictive home school laws. Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Texas have the least amount of regulations regarding homeschooling.

How can I homeschool without losing my mind? ›

6 tips to avoid losing your mind while homeschooling your kids
  1. Re-set expectations. We are all finding that our productivity has dropped off a cliff and children are not getting through their school work at the same rate as before. ...
  2. Review the schedule. ...
  3. Use downtime to recharge. ...
  4. Call in help. ...
  5. Rewards, varied and often.
Mar 21, 2020

How stressful is homeschooling? ›

In fact, homeschooling can be incredibly stressful. Balancing home and education has its own unique variety of pitfalls: bad attitudes and dynamics, different learning styles and needs, and the various demands of work/school/living all tangled up under the same roof.

How can I succeed in homeschooling? ›

8 homeschool tips and tricks for beginners
  1. Create a designated learning space. ...
  2. Follow a daily schedule. ...
  3. Map out the school year ahead of time. ...
  4. Set learning goals together. ...
  5. Take learning beyond the classroom. ...
  6. Make learning a family activity. ...
  7. Collaborate with other homeschoolers. ...
  8. Ease into school.

Is Time4Learning a real homeschool? ›

Because Time4Learning is a curriculum and not a school, accreditation does not apply to us. However, the curriculum offered by Time4Learning is used at many accredited schools across the United States, and it is educationally rigorous. Read our post to understand more about how accreditation works for homeschoolers.

Is Time4Learning real? ›

Time4Learning is a standards-based grade-appropriate curriculum with thousands of interactive lessons in math, language arts, social studies, and science. With automated grading, reporting and activity planning tools, homeschooling has never been easier.

How many hours a day is Time4Learning? ›

Students log in on their own schedule to learn anywhere and anytime. Most families find that Time4Learning only takes a few hours each day. Our standards-based curriculum aligns with most schools.

What is the difference between relaxed homeschooling and unschooling? ›

The biggest difference in between what's referred to as “relaxed homeschooling” and “unschooling,” is this: Parents who plan and teach without being asked to by the child are relaxed homeschoolers (though usually in a very non-traditional hands-on manner!)

What is the most popular homeschool method? ›

Relaxed Homeschooling Method. Arguably the most popular method is the Relaxed Homeschooling method, where it doesn't matter how you structure the school day or what method you use.

What states have the most relaxed homeschool laws? ›

These states have fewer regulations and are thus considered to be relatively more homeschool-friendly:
  • Mississippi.
  • Montana.
  • Nebraska.
  • Nevada.
  • New Mexico.
  • Utah.
  • Wisconsin.
  • Wyoming.
Mar 3, 2021

What are the different types of homeschool approaches? ›

There are as many distinct homeschooling styles as there are families. However, seven main classifications form the basic foundations upon which most families build their homeschools: classical, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, university style, unit studies, school at home, and eclectic.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.