Top 5 Reasons Players Want to Quit Skyrim and How to Overcome Them (2024)

Skyrim is one of the most popular role-playing games of all time. It offers hours of gameplay, an immersive open world, and countless quests to complete. However, no game is perfect, and players may occasionally want to quit Skyrim on PC. In this quick survey, we’ll explore five reasons why players may want to exit Skyrim on PC and offer tips on how to deal with each situation.

If you aren’t interested in finding a remedy and genuinely just want to be done, check out our quick guide on how to exit Skyrim on PC for clear instructions.

1. Bugs and Glitches

One of the most common reasons players may want to exit Skyrim on PC is bugs and glitches. Skyrim is notorious for its buggy nature, and players may encounter issues that prevent them from progressing in the game or make the game unplayable.

If you encounter any bugs or glitches, the best course of action is to search the internet for solutions and patches that address the issue or to try uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

Remember though, not all glitches in Skyrim are bad or mean that you have a problem. I think we all remember the infamous gold glitch that helped you earn tons of money in-game!

2. Boredom is a Common Reason Players Quit Skyrim

While Skyrim offers a vast open world with plenty to do, players may occasionally find themselves bored with the game. If you’re feeling tired of Skyrim, consider taking a break to play a different game or trying a new approach to the game. You could try a new playstyle, like playing as a mage instead of a warrior, or using mods to enhance your gameplay experience.

Skyrim has so much to offer players in so many unique and special ways. If you find yourself bored and considering quitting Skyrim, perhaps try changing up your playing style. Take on a new type of challenge, like winning an Arena battle or taking part in civil war raids.

There are also plenty of side quests and activities to take part in if you just feel the need to explore and discover hidden secrets that lie within Skyrim’s vast world. If you haven’t grabbed yourself one of the game’s epic horse companions, check out our guide on how to call your horse in Skyrim to get an amazing companion that is willing to fight alongside you!

Top 5 Reasons Players Want to Quit Skyrim and How to Overcome Them (1)

3. Real-Life Interruptions

Life doesn’t always cooperate with our gaming schedules, and players may find themselves needing to exit Skyrim due to real-life interruptions, like work, school, or family commitments. If you need to quit Skyrim mid-game, make sure to save your progress and exit the game properly to avoid corrupting your save file.

Dealing with Longer Interruptions from Real-Life Concerns

It’s absolutely ok to take a break from Skyrim for as long as you need if real-life commitments or problems are getting in the way. Taking a break can be a great way to destress and recharge before coming back to the game.

Everyone needs some time away from the virtual world, so don’t feel guilty about taking a step back from Skyrim and focusing on your personal life. It’s also important to remember that your progress in the game won’t suffer from taking a break, so there is no need to worry about being behind when you come back.

4. Computer Issues Sometimes Cause Players to Quit Skyrim

Another reason players may want to exit Skyrim on PC is due to problems with their computer. If you’re experiencing performance issues, like lag or crashes, try checking your computer’s specifications to make sure they meet Skyrim’s minimum requirements.

You could also try closing other programs that may be running in the background, updating your drivers, or lowering graphical settings to improve performance. If you’re still having trouble, please reach out to the Elder Scroll’s Skyrim’s support team, and they’ll most likely be able to help.

If their not able to help, maybe it’s a good time to take a break and quit playing Skyrim for a little while. Maybe you have driver or other issues preventing you from playing that are out of the hands of the devs. At a later time, or with a different PC, you’ll likely be able to play without issue.

5. Poor Multiplayer Interactions

While Skyrim is primarily a single-player game, there are some mods that allow for multiplayer interactions. If you decide to play Skyrim with other players, you may want to exit the game if you encounter any issues, like trolling or griefing. If you’re playing with friends, consider setting ground rules to ensure everyone has a positive experience.

Try not to let others be the reason you don’t enjoy your time gaming. If you can’t get over them, then take a brief break from Skyrim and then get back in it and enjoy all that this game has to offer. There are so many incredible things you can do single or multiplayer in Skyrim, such as owning a beautiful estate at Lakeview Manor.

Our Final Thoughts on When It’s Time to Overcome and When It’s Time to Quit Skyrim

Skyrim is a fantastic game that offers endless possibilities for players to explore and enjoy. While there may be some common reasons why players want to quit, such as bugs and glitches, boredom, real-life interruptions, computer issues, or poor multiplayer interactions, there are always solutions and tips to address those problems.

If you’re feeling frustrated with Skyrim, take a moment to explore our other guide and see if any of the tips we’ve provided will help you overcome the challenges you’re facing. Whether it’s taking a break, changing your playstyle, or addressing performance issues, there are plenty of ways to keep enjoying this incredible game.

Players continuing to enjoy the game may want to check out our guide on how to feed as a Vampire in Skyrim. It’s a very fun diversion and an interesting way to mix things up.

Yet, if you’re genuinely ready to quit Skyrim, then don’t delay. Just remember, there’s always more to discover in the world of Skyrim, so don’t give up on this epic adventure unless you feel the need to.

Top 5 Reasons Players Want to Quit Skyrim and How to Overcome Them (2024)


How do I stop playing Skyrim? ›

Having a clear reason why will help you solidify your purpose for overcoming this addiction. It's something you can look back to when things start getting rough. Action step: Write down why you want to quit Skyrim. Then, post it somewhere you will see it to easily remind yourself.

How do I quit from Skyrim? ›

Hit ESC and go to "System". It's where you should find save, mod configuration, settings, and quit.

How to be successful in Skyrim? ›

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim tips and tricks
  1. Save early and often. ...
  2. Forge your own path. ...
  3. Use those talent points wisely. ...
  4. Don't be a hoarder. ...
  5. Don't be afraid to mix things up. ...
  6. Enchant, craft, and brew with caution. ...
  7. Reading is fundamental. ...
  8. Patience is a virtue.
Mar 16, 2021

What to do in the end game of Skyrim? ›

Radiant quests... Most major factions have radiant quests that you can do so you never run out of quests. Some of them are simple fetch quests but some are pretty fun. The companions have the most variety but college of winterhold has a few good ones too.

Why do we keep playing Skyrim? ›

The answer is remarkably simple. This game might be the most replayable game I've ever played. No matter how many times you play it, there are . Yes, it doesn't take hundreds of hours before it becomes repetitive, but I find the familiarity of its adventures reassuring.

Is Skyrim Beatable? ›

Progress through the Epilogue. After defeating Alduin, talk to Tsun standing near the Hall of Heroes and he will take you back to Skyrim. Congratulations! You've just beaten Skyrim!

How to break up in Skyrim? ›

Sadly, there isn't a way to divorce anyone in Skyrim. Marriage is for life, which is why, the only way to undo a marriage is to kill the spouse. For spouses that are followers, they can just be brought to a particularly difficult dungeon and left to die, but for other spouses, they'll need to be "dealt with" at home.

How do you surrender Skyrim? ›

If your opponent shows a high disposition toward your character, you can ask him to stop fighting by holding the block key and activating the character, as if you wanted to talk to him. (In Skyrim, this was changed to just sheathing your weapon and seeing if the person will accept it.)

How do I stop being drained in Skyrim? ›

You will need to periodically sleep in a bed in order to restore your fatigue. In Survival, the Rested or Well Rested bonus is no longer granted automatically after sleeping. If you sleep outside, you will not be able to get a restful night's sleep, waking up Drained at best.

Can you 100 every skill in Skyrim? ›

All characters level up their skills at the same speed with use, and as such you're able to, eventually, reach the maximum level of 100 in every skill tree. Speaking of which, each individual skill has it's own skill tree that grants various Perks to the player.

How to get 5000 in Skyrim fast? ›

From level 1, start collecting Blue Mountain Flowers and Blue Butterfly Wings. Mixing these two ingredients makes a potion that sells for 80-250 gold depending on your alchemy and speech levels. You can make well over 5,000 gold before even killing the first dragon.

How many hours does it take to 100% Skyrim? ›

Read More. How long is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? When focusing on the main objectives, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is about 34½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 232 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the main goal in Skyrim? ›

Its main story focuses on the player's character, the Dragonborn, on their quest to defeat Alduin the World-Eater, a dragon who is prophesied to destroy the world.

How many endings does Skyrim have? ›

Skyrim doesn't exactly end, in the traditinal sense. There is no one last hurrah, and then a credits roll. Some quest arcs have varied endings, such as the Civil War, but the Free the World from Alduin main quest arc only has a single outcome.

What is the last mission in Skyrim? ›

Dragonslayer is the last main quest. The main character will face the final battle against the dragon Alduin.

Can you go out of Skyrim? ›

It is feasible to exit the map space of Skyrim, but there is no content aside from random scenery objects.

How do you force quit Skyrim PC? ›

Once you're on the desktop or another window, right-click on the Skyrim app in the taskbar and select “Close Window.” This method can forcefully close the game when it's frozen or not responding. If using the Alt+Tab method doesn't work, you can access the Task Manager by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys simultaneously.

Can you pause Skyrim? ›

Every time you enter a menu, like your spells, your equipment, map, etc., you pause the game. This guide will help you understand how to use the console to set up screenshots. List of console commands & tips included! i advice using the tilde key to pause, this way you can pause during dialogue.

How do I close Skyrim from command prompt? ›

The " ~ " key is a toggle. Press it once, the Command Console opens. Press it again, it closes.

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